
May 15, 2024

What to Do With Mail from Previous Tenants – Guide for Landlords

When a lease ends, landlords may think that they won’t encounter any more issues related to their tenants. However, mail intended for previous renters may still […]
April 11, 2024

California Landlord Insurance

Are you a California landlord looking to protect your investment and mitigate risks? If so, you’re not alone.  Managing rental properties comes with its own set […]
March 13, 2024

Mastering the Art of Rent Collection: Strategies for On-Time Payments

Mastering the art of rent collection is one of the most important aspects of property management for landlords.  Ensuring on-time payments is not just about receiving […]
February 8, 2024

Why Rental Properties Are Still a Good Investment When Interest Rates Rise?

Ever wondered how your rental properties fare when interest rates take an upward turn? In an ever-evolving market landscape, the question of whether rental properties remain […]
January 9, 2024

Why Pet Screening Is Always a Good Idea

As a landlord, you’re well aware of the transformative power of being pet-friendly.  While welcoming tenants with pets undoubtedly enhances the desirability of your rental, it’s […]